Did Google Street View Capture Proof of Aliens? The Experts Weigh In

Did Google Street View Capture Proof of Aliens? The Experts Weigh In

Google Maps UFO over St. PetersSome experts in the UFO world are saying Google Street View may have captured evidence of the second sighting in as many months. The sighting in question was photographed as a pink triangular shape floating in the evening sky over St. Peters, Missouri.

Interestingly, the same colored shape was reported no little then three miles away from the initial sighting, by the National UFO Reporting Center.  Even stranger, a similar object was photographed this past September in Jacksonville Texas. The consistencies of these sightings have been raising eyebrows in the UFO community, some experts even going so far as to dub them a “legitimate craft”.

Of course, not everyone is in agreement about the strange pink objects in the sky. John Lakey, Director of St Louis’ McDonnel Planetary Center had this to say about the image Google Street view captured:

“An alien space craft is probably one of the least likely things that an unidentified flying object would be…”


Still, believers are scouring the Google Street View skies with the hopes of being the first to find what they believe are legitimate photographs of extraterrestrial contact.

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