Bizarre Footage: Is a Woolly Mammoth Roaming Siberia?

Bizarre Footage: Is a Woolly Mammoth Roaming Siberia?

Bizarre footage of what looks to be a woolly mammoth was captured by a government engineer in the wilds of Siberia. Even more interesting is the creatures hair seems to match samples of remains extracted from the permafrost in frozen Russia.

Viewers of the video are divided. Some believing it to be actual footage of an animal that roamed the Earth 10, 000 years ago during the last Ice Age; others are quick to call hoax, introducing the theory that it may be nothing more then a bear with a massive fish in its mouth.

Whatever you believe you can’t help but admit the footage prods at the imagination and leaves you wondering if it might be possible for an animal, thought extinct for 3,500 years, to have survived in the desolate regions of Chukotka Autonomous Okrug of Siberia.

What do you think is is?


For more info, head over to The Sun.


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